Day in the Life at MindPoint Group

A Day in the life at MPG: IT Security Policy Analyst

We interviewed Addie Clark, an IT Security Policy Analyst at MindPoint Group. In this blog, you’ll hear about how Addie got started in technology and about her role working directly with customers. 

Walk us through your background. How did you get started with working in technology/security? 

My love for technology started when I was a kid. I always loved sea turtles, and I really wanted to educate others on protecting sea turtles. I checked out books from the library, learned web design, and created a website to raise awareness. I loved creating the website, and my love of technology grew from there. 

I got into cybersecurity when I joined the U.S. Air Force as a Cyber Surety Specialist and took on a position as a Cybersecurity Liaison. This role was really exciting and it was fascinating to see the complete cyber threat landscape in real-time.  

Describe your current role and what is your typical day like? 

I started right at the beginning of the COVID-19 quarantining, so I’m still not exactly sure what a “typical” day is supposed to be like in the office. As a Security Policy Analyst, my day can change depending on the needs of the customer. Typically, I help review their existing policies, make recommendations, and help write overall cybersecurity policies for certain customers. A lot of my job involves attending meetings to review these policies, fielding compliance questions via email, and overall vulnerability management. I love this job because it is a perfect balance between strategy and hands-on work.

What are the biggest challenges you face in a day?

My biggest challenge in a day is stakeholder communication, and getting all of these stakeholders on the same page in terms of the best security policies. Many of the organizations that I work with are wide-spread so it’s important to make sure that no one gets left out of the decision-making process. 

 What is your favorite part of your job? 

I love so many things about my job, but I would have to say the best part is being able to make an impact and directly see the results of MPG’s work. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see the big picture and know how our work serves our mission at MPG and our customer’s mission. 

Why do you love cybersecurity?

I love cybersecurity because I highly value privacy. As you may know, the cybersecurity and privacy industries are quite blended. Ensuring that people’s information is secure and safe is very rewarding for me, and I think a lot more companies should be held accountable for security and privacy breaches that occur. 

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work, I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Blockchain Technology. This program takes up a lot of my free time, but when I am not doing schoolwork, I love reading about outer space and physics— pretty much anything science-related.

Last book you read and/or podcast you listened to?

I love the podcast “Unsupervised Learning.” It’s a podcast focused on all things cybersecurity, where the host gives an update on what’s coming up in the security industry and how society intersects with cybersecurity. The last book I read was How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog — which I highly recommend!

What is your favorite part of MindPoint Group? 

I love so many things about MindPoint Group, but I’ll go through some of the main reasons I wanted to apply here in the first place. A huge reason that I joined was the emphasis on empowerment. On the MPG website, I learned about their dedication to the LGBTQ+ community and the emphasis they place on cultivating an inclusive culture. It was important for me to work somewhere that I felt aligned with my personal values, and I love what MPG stands for and the company’s overall mission. I also love the diversity of the four founding partners and that MindPoint Group is a Women-Owned business! 

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