Solutions for Security Practitioners

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Solutions for security teams

Identify and Quantify Your Risk So You Can Mitigate IT

Identify your risk

Policy to Action

Implementing policy requires in-depth skills and understanding of underlying people, processes, and technology. Our experience with numerous security frameworks, coupled with strong technical capabilities, enables us to identify and close more security gaps.

Tactical Knowledge

Integrating new tooling into your existing security stack can seem daunting. And when not done correctly, your new tool could hurt your security posture rather than help it. Our broad tactical knowledge of numerous security tools means we’ll help you implement it right the first time.

Build a Culture of Security

Security is not just the work of one team. It’s everyone’s job. We bridge gaps between disparate teams, enabling dev, security, and ops to not just work together but to get along. The result is a stronger security posture.

Audit Superheroes

Our Gap Assessments find things that auditors don’t. If you have deficiencies, we’ll find them and help you design and implement the mitigation—all while meeting critical deadlines.

Security Automation

By automating common tasks, we reduce the daily burden on your security and operations teams, helping them focus efforts on higher-value tasks, and improving your security posture. It’s also the first step to DevSecOps.

Security Experience by the Numbers


Endpoints monitored


Routine number of critical audit findings after our engagements


Years we've worked in the cloud

Solve Today’s Problem and Build for Tomorrow

Building capable security architectures can be hard. Shifting requirements, changes to policy, multiple teams and stakeholders, and then the ever-changing technology landscape.

We all know that tools alone can’t solve your security problems. Instead, you need to develop a security architecture that relies on agility, working equally with on-prem and cloud tools of today, while preparing to also solve the problems you’ll face three years from now.

Cloud is the New Normal

Technology typically outpaces security. Modernizing your infrastructure while being tasked with innovative new technologies can be a daunting task. We’ve even provided cloud guidance for government policies, so we truly understand the ins and outs of staying compliant and secure.

We use our experience to help you with cloud-native implementation, audits, extensive cybersecurity program management and operations capabilities, and work with automation, architecture, and engineering teams to implement robust solutions. We understand the pressure that you’re under to innovate, but your plan needs to make sense and be possible to implement.
Solving security challenges
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Why MindPoint Group?

Problem Solvers

Effective change requires the ability to work with all types of people and teams.


MPG has the capabilities of a large SI, with the service you’d expect from a boutique services business.

DevSecOps Experts

Cross-functional capabilities that streamline processes and promote culture change.

Free Discovery Session

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